
Networking #

Macaroni OS inherits all network configuration ways from Funtoo. In particular, every release could contain one or more ways and/or technologies.

Hereinafter, a table with the different technologies and the availability in the Macaroni releases.

Technology Release Phoenix Release Terragon Release Eagle
Network Manager Yes Yes Yes
Core Network Yes Yes No
SystemD Networkd No No Yes

In our ISOs, we use Network Manager that is which seems better integrated with Calamares Installer.

For Server ISO our suggestion is to disable Network Manager when the installation is done and to use the core network scripts.

1. Network Manager #

NetworkManager is the standard Linux network configuration tool suite that in the years is been integrated over different desktop environments. It’s the default service used by Gnome and could be configured in the different way.

If the service is active, normally, the default configuration automatically uses DHCP protocol on the enabled network interfaces.

From terminal could be used the nmtui tool and nmcli to configure the network.

The package that supplies this service is net-misc/networkmanager and could be extended with extra plugins.

$> luet s networkmanager --table
|              PACKAGE               |     VERSION      |   REPOSITORY    |
| kde-frameworks-5/networkmanager-qt | 5.85.0+2         | macaroni-funtoo |
| net-misc/networkmanager            | 1.26.0+3         | macaroni-funtoo |
| net-vpn/networkmanager-openconnect | | macaroni-funtoo |
| net-vpn/networkmanager-vpnc        | 1.2.6+3          | macaroni-funtoo |

The Network Manager configurations are stored under the directory /etc/NetworkManager/ and could be a good idea to do a backup of this directory when there are a lot of profiles configured.

The Gnome and XFCE DE have their configuration interface that permits configuring the Network Manager service.

The upstream documentation is available over their site.

nmcli #

The nmcli tool is parte of the network-manager package and could be used to check the status of the setup of the Network Manager from the terminal.

$> nmcli --help
Usage: nmcli [OPTIONS] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }

  -a, --ask                                ask for missing parameters
  -c, --colors auto|yes|no                 whether to use colors in output
  -e, --escape yes|no                      escape columns separators in values
  -f, --fields <field,...>|all|common      specify fields to output
  -g, --get-values <field,...>|all|common  shortcut for -m tabular -t -f
  -h, --help                               print this help
  -m, --mode tabular|multiline             output mode
  -o, --overview                           overview mode
  -p, --pretty                             pretty output
  -s, --show-secrets                       allow displaying passwords
  -t, --terse                              terse output
  -v, --version                            show program version
  -w, --wait <seconds>                     set timeout waiting for finishing operations

  g[eneral]       NetworkManager's general status and operations
  n[etworking]    overall networking control
  r[adio]         NetworkManager radio switches
  c[onnection]    NetworkManager's connections
  d[evice]        devices managed by NetworkManager
  a[gent]         NetworkManager secret agent or polkit agent
  m[onitor]       monitor NetworkManager changes

To check the connectivity status:

$> nmcli g
connected  full          enabled  disabled  enabled  enabled

List the connections configured on Network Manager:

$> nmcli c
NAME      UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE
VLAN 50   441acd87-ce63-4af5-bde7-7ce4aec765fd  vlan      vlan50
UP-Empty  c3b0c6d6-5a62-3e4f-9ec8-44526a3f5aba  ethernet  eth0

Or retrieve the list of the network interfaces availables:

$> nmcli d
vlan50        vlan      connected    VLAN 50    
eth0          ethernet  connected    UP-Empty   
wlan0         wifi      unavailable  --         
mottainai0    bridge    unmanaged    --         
veth0e8d2a56  ethernet  unmanaged    --         
veth0fda5989  ethernet  unmanaged    --         
veth4d3fd438  ethernet  unmanaged    --         
veth7df4c34c  ethernet  unmanaged    --         
vetha71fd414  ethernet  unmanaged    --         
vethbb8d7925  ethernet  unmanaged    --         
vethf25b2272  ethernet  unmanaged    --         
vethfb55205d  ethernet  unmanaged    --         
lo            loopback  unmanaged    --         

Run man nmcli to a more complete description of all available commands.

nmtui #

The nmtui tool is part of the network-manager package and supply a terminal interface based on ncurses library to configure the connections.


Network Manager and LXD #

By default Network Manager automatically tries to configure and enable every new interface added to the system and this could be correct when LXD is used.

It’s possible to disable this behavior for specific interfaces with the creation of the the file /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf or editing it if it’s already present and to add the keyfile plugin as reported hereinafter:




In the example, the interfaces starting with veth or ovs and the interfaces mottainai0 and br-int0 are ignored by NM.

2. Core Network #

Inherit from Funtoo for the OpenRC systems, so for both Phoenix and Terragon releases the corenetwork package contains the Funtoo scripts to use for configure the network interfaces on boot.

The concept about the interfaces configuration is that for every interface it’s needed create under the directory /etc/init.d the link in the format netif.<iface-name> to the netif.templ file with and then to create the related file under the directory /etc/conf.d/ with the naming convention netif.<iface-name>.

The corenetwork package supplies different templates to use different technologies and/or for different targets. For example, the DHCP could be managed with the tool dhcpd or with dhclient. Every specific template as specific configuration options.

The supported templates are available under the directory /etc/netif.d and in this moment are these:

# luet q files corenetwork | grep netif.d

Setup a DHCP interface using the dhcpd template #

These the steps to setup the interface eth0 with the DHCP.

root $> cd /etc/init.d
root $> ln -s netif.tmpl netif.eth0
root $> rc-update add netif.eth0 default
root $> echo template=dhcpcd > /etc/conf.d/netif.eth0

Setup an interface with a static IP #

To configure an interface with a static IP it’s used the interface template that could be configured with this steps:

root $> cd /etc/init.d
root $> ln -s netif.tmpl netif.eth0
root $> rc-update add netif.eth0 default

and then editing the file /etc/conf.d/netif.eth0 with this content:


A more completed documentation is available directly from the Funtoo wiki.

3. Systemd Networkd #

In the only Eagle release where it’s used Systemd could be used the systemd-networkd service for the network configuration.

The configuration files are available under the directory /etc/systemd/network with the extension .network.

For example to configure DHCP on interface eth0 it’s possible to create the file /etc/systemd/network/ with the following content:




After the editing and/or creation of the files under /etc/systemd/network to apply the configuration is needed following the commands:

$> systemctl daemon-reload
$> systemctl restart systemd-networkd

The complete description of all availables options is present on the Freedesktop Website.